Our Vision

"Evidence based treatment Multi disciplinary
approach according to International guidelines
as decided in TUMOUR BOARD composed of Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology à Conventional Radiation therapy".

Welcome to Sri Ramakrishna Institue of oncology and research

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  Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. Various roles of chemotherapy are    
  Primary treatment.
  Adjuvant treatment.
Induction treatment.
  Neo adjuvant treatment.
  Regional treatment.
  Combination Chemotherapy is better because
  It provides maximal cell kill with minimal toxicity.  
It provides a broader range of interaction between drugs & tumour
cells in heteogenous tumour population.
  It may slow the subsequent development of drug resistance.  
  Chemotherapeutically curable cancers include  
  Chorio carcinoma.  
  Acute lymphocytic leukemia of childhood.  
  Burkitt’s lymphoma  
  Hodgkin’s disease.  
  Acute promyelocytic leukemia  
  Large follicular centre cell lymphoma  
  Testicular carcinoma  
  Cancer Patients undergoing treatment require best supportive care to understand and manage the side effects associated with cancer treatment. Understanding and managing side effects of cancer treatment requires support from well trained support staff, which includes nursing staff and councilors. Counseling and support during the period when patient are stressed due to side effects makes all difference between patients completing treatment and dropping out and disease progression.  


Sri Rama Krishna Institute of Cancer Research has well trained nursing staff and councilors, who help the patient understand the treatment in consultation with cancer specialists and help in patients. This support is critical as it helps patients tide over temporary difficulties associated with cancer treatment and completes the planned treatment.  
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